FAQs from day 7 to day 10 of dental implant surgery

By - Ritambra
30.12.2022 23:03:30

The decision to have dental implant surgery is fraught with uncertainty. For decades, such implants have been used to correct smiles, and the procedure has greatly improved many people's lives. It is critical to remember that the process is similar to any other operation, even though the finished product can be enjoyed for decades.


Today we cover some of the FAQs that patients have in their mind from day 7 to 10 after the dental implant surgery.

How long does the gum take to heal after implant surgery?

Most patients notice significant improvements in their gums within a week of surgery, and their gums will completely heal within two weeks. You'll usually make an appointment with Dr.

How can you tell if your dental implant is healing properly?

Your implant should be completely healed about two weeks after surgery. If you have little to no tenderness near the implant and no pain or discomfort, it is time to remove your stitches, or they will dissolve on their own if self-dissolving stitches are used.

What to eat from Day 7 to Day 10 after Dental Implant

On the third day after surgery, eat foods like eggs, toast, or oatmeal. Continue to gradually increase solid foods, as chewing does not cause pain. If chewing causes you pain, return to soft and semi-soft foods. Many people can resume normal eating habits within a week.

After 1-2 weeks, you may be able to resume eating tough and chewy foods like meat and fibrous, raw vegetables. This is dependent on how quickly you heal. You should also avoid chewing on the implanted side of your mouth for at least two weeks.

Can I drink coffee after seven days of having dental implants?

No, it would help if you refrained from drinking hot beverages for at least one week following surgery. Heat causes blood vessels to dilate, which leads to increased bleeding. These hot drinks may impede your healing process. You can begin drinking warm coffee one week after your surgery.

Can you drink from a straw after 7-10 days of getting dental implants?

After dental surgery, avoid using straws for at least one month. Straw causes a sucking motion that can disrupt the healing process. As a result, it is best to avoid straw until the tissue surrounding the implant has healed completely.

What Should I Do If I'm Feeling Serious Pain 2+ Weeks After Surgery? 

Most dental implant patients should be healed within two weeks of surgery, though it may take another 3-6 months to ensure that your implant fully bonds with your jaw bone. If you are still in severe pain and discomfort after two weeks, this is a sign that something is wrong. Come in for an oral exam to determine the source of your pain.

The most likely problem is an infection at the dental implant site. This is extremely uncommon, but it can result in inflammation and pain around your dental implant. Cleaning and disinfecting the implant site, as well as using antibiotics, can often be used to eliminate the infection and save your dental implant. Another uncommon cause of post-implant pain is the bodily rejection of your dental implant. If you suffer from an undiagnosed mental allergy, your body may reject the implant, preventing proper healing and causing pain and discomfort.

After a dental implant, the next three to six months:

Anyone with dental implants should pay close attention to this stage because it is when osseointegration (bone fusion) occurs. At this point, the best course to ensure implant success is to disturb the implant as little as possible. So, when it comes to food, avoid anything too chewy or too hard and crunchy. Avoid nuts, toffees, boiled sweets, crackling, and hard raw vegetables. Foods that make noise when crunched should be avoided as a general rule if you are unsure what to eat. The remainder should go off without a hitch.

Following Dental Implant Surgery, Considerations


  • It would help if you made every effort to keep your hands away from the surgery area. You can brush your teeth after surgery, but be careful not to brush the incision areas. Your dentist will tell you when you can start brushing the incision sites.
  • Gargle with warm salt water to keep your mouth clean. Combine 1/4 teaspoon and one teaspoon salt in 8 ounces of water. Swish the salt water in and out your mouth for about five minutes. This procedure should be repeated twice or three times per day.
  • Exercise can wait after oral surgery; it's best to resume once you've fully recovered and have your doctor's approval. To reduce the risk of bleeding, begin with a low-impact activity. Following your dental implant surgery, you can exercise by doing yoga, stretching, walking, and light training. Exercise can help with circulation. This can speed up the healing process.

How long after a procedure should discomfort and pain last?

Some discomfort may last for 10-14 days after your surgery. However, you should no longer be in serious pain after about two weeks. Applying pressure to the implant site may feel tender, but it should feel normal otherwise. If you're up to it, you can continue where you left off the day after surgery. You may experience jaw stiffness, bruising, and swelling for an extended period. These symptoms should subside within 7 to 10 days of the procedure.


Dental implants are intended to feel and appear like natural teeth. They improve your speech and eating, providing comfort and convenience. Implants, with proper care, can last for many years, if not a lifetime. Your dedication to good oral hygiene and a healthy lifestyle, on the other hand, contributes to the longevity of your implant.