Home Remedies for Bad Breath

By - Ritambra
29.01.2023 23:29:42

Unfortunately, no one enjoys dealing with someone else's foul breath. What's worse is that occasionally those with foul breath aren't even aware of it!

Even while having foul breath can be embarrassing, you're not alone. Take into account the following fact regarding Americans as a whole. It suggests that 25% of the population in the nation suffers from bad breath. But if you're one of that 25%, don't fret. The good news is that reading this post has led you to the proper location. Seven effective home remedies for foul breath are listed below.

Your confidence in your personal and professional lives will rise as a result of doing this. Additionally, addressing foul breath is another approach to addressing your oral health. After all, maintaining good dental health can help you save money and maintain your comfort.

Bad Breath: What Causes It?

The following are a few causes of foul breath:

  • Dry mouth: Certain medications and smoking both contribute to dry mouth. When your mouth cannot produce enough saliva, it might result in foul breath. Saliva helps wash your mouth.
  • Oral hygiene issues: Poor dental hygiene is the main reason for foul breath. Bacteria break down the food particles lodged in your teeth, producing an unpleasant odour.
  • Tonsil stones: Calcium deposits, also known as tonsilloliths or tonsil stones, are brought on by the food that becomes stuck in your tonsil.
  • GERD: Gastrointestinal reflux disease: a digestive disorder when the stomach's acid leaks back into the food conduit (oesophagus).
  • Gum disease: Periodontitis, severe gingivitis known as trench mouth, and gingivitis are all types of gum disease, and untreated gingivitis causes periodontitis.
  • Cancer: Cancer in the mouth or the space between the nose and the mouth may be the source of bad breath.
  • Diabetes: Infection of the nose, throat, or lungs: Pneumonia patients may cough up odourless liquids.
  • Sujogren's syndrome: An autoimmune condition that results in dry lips, dry skin, dry eyes, and muscle pain (the immune system destroys healthy cells)
  • A liver or kidney condition

Your breathing is impacted by what you eat!

Have you ever heard that eating garlic on a first date is not recommended? That's because some foods can significantly worsen bad breath.

For this reason, keeping an eye on your usual diet meals is critical to avoid bad breath. For instance, the foul breath will only worsen if you consume garlic frequently. Dairy, fish, and onions are other odour-producing foods.

Symptoms of Bad Breath

The mentioned conditions can all have symptoms of bad breath. It might be worse first thing in the morning after consuming coffee, smoking, or ingesting foods containing garlic. But you might also experience some more signs, such as:

  • Dry mouth 
  • A persistent bitter, sour, and metallic taste
  • Thick saliva and a persistent urge to clear one's throat
  • Nasal drip or post-nasal secretions
  • The tongue has a white covering, mostly on the rear of the tongue.
  • The tongue feels hot or burning.

Home Remedies for Bad Breath 

The following are a few natural cures for bad breath:


Yoghurt reduces the number of bacteria that cause bad breath. Yoghurt may lessen hazardous bacteria and bad breath in humans, according to a study (unpleasant smell). 4 So, you can consume yoghurt to combat bad breath.

Lavang (Clove)

Lavang lowers foul breath when chewed. It aids in the fight against foul breath by preventing the growth of the germs that cause it. 5 Chewing some living will help you freshen up your breath.

Saunf (fennel)

India's population chews fennel seeds to combat bad breath. It is known to clean teeth and is regarded as good for teeth. Fennel seeds can be chewed. Gargle with warm fennel water as an additional option. You might cook some fennel seeds in water for this.

 Paan (betel leaves)

Chewing paan has various health benefits; it prevents bad breath, makes breath palatable, fortifies gums, and shields teeth. After a meal, chew some betel leaves to freshen your breath. The mouth cavity is also cleaned by it.

 Cardamom, or Elaichi:

Elaichi is one of the best remedies for healing bad breath. Eliminating terrible mouth odour can be accomplished by chewing a few elaichi seeds. 9 Elaichi powder can also be dissolved in hot water and used as a gargle. You could use this to stop having foul breath.

 Chakra Phool (Star Anise)

Star anise aids in reviving the breath and is used as a natural breath refresher. After eating, you can freshen your breath by chewing chakra phool seeds

Tulsi (Holy Basil)

Tulsi is used for a variety of medical purposes in Ayurveda. Chewing some tulsi leaves can help with ulcers and oral infections. The powdered tulsi herb can be used to brush your teeth. In addition to managing gum issues, it aids in the elimination of bad breath. When you have terrible breath, chew on a few tulsi leaves.

Bad Breath Treatment: How to Stop Breathing Badly

 Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene

You can also comply with the following advice to prevent bad breath:

  • Every day, brush your teeth twice.
  • Floss each day
  • Get your tongue clean.
  • Use an antimicrobial mouthwash as you gargle.
  • Avoid alcohol, smoke, and caffeine because they cause dry mouth.
  • To prevent your mouth from drying out, drink lots of water.
  • Chewing sugar-free candies, chewing gum, or consuming nutritious foods that require a lot of chewing will increase saliva production.

Smoking inevitably results in bad breath.

Smoking cigarettes harm your body in several ways. It specifically makes your breath smell unpleasant. It could negatively impact your career

 if you don't take it seriously. It's indeed easier to say than to do to stop smoking cigarettes. Even so, doing so will significantly lessen your bad breath. This is a smart move if you have a partner who doesn't smoke.

You can avoid a lot of future dental health-related hassles by quitting smoking. You ought to think about doing it now rather than later because of this. Even professionals agree that keeping good oral health as we age will save us money.

 Regularly, Drink a Lot of Water

Unbelievably, dry mouth can contribute to poor breath. One of the many advantages of drinking a few glasses of water daily is that.

Overall oral health is also supported when your mouth is properly moisturized. The dangerous germs that cause bad breath or other dental health problems must work much harder in a dry mouth.

 Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Rinse Your Mouth

The moment has come to take things seriously if the methods mentioned above fail to eliminate your foul breath. You're losing out if you've never used apple cider vinegar to rinse your mouth. But don't consume it directly from the bottle! For mass ingestion directly, apple cider vinegar is excessively concentrated.

  • As an alternative, combine a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water. After that, ingest the remedy to avoid foul breath. A regular intake of apple cider vinegar also encourages gut health by promoting healthy digestion.
  • Additionally, you can use apple cider vinegar as a mouthwash by rinsing a mouthful around your teeth. It can lessen the impact of your bad breath even though you'll spit it out.


 Keep brushing and flossing twice a day.

Everyone knows they need to clean and floss their teeth twice a day. Still, it takes work to continue that practice throughout life.

But this can be crucial if you notice a noticeable difference in the scent of your breath. Maintaining good dental hygiene will go a long way toward reducing current and future bad breath.

You'll be glad you took good care of your teeth in the long term if you do. Dental treatment for seniors differs significantly from that for children or younger folks. Dentists have many more factors to consider at that stage of life due to the increased complexity.


You may have heard this suggestion from your elders more than once. Gargling is a historical practice. It assists in keeping dental hygiene up to date and removes foul breath. The greatest treatment for foul breath is a lukewarm salt water gargle. Gargling removes extra bacteria and concealed food particles and does not remain in the mouth.

 Do not let your mouth stay dry.

Hydration is encouraged in almost every element of excellent healthcare—oral hygiene. Xerostomia is a term used to describe dry mouth in medicine. It is caused by the mouth becoming dry of saliva. Saliva is required to keep the mouth wet and to wipe away dead cells. The acid that plaque produces is also neutralized by saliva. Dead cells and germs can accumulate when there isn't any saliva present or when the mouth is dry. This collection ultimately causes bad breath. Keep drinking water to prevent your mouth from becoming entirely dry.

Foods to eat

The dietary changes you had to make may have made you feel depressed. Not to worry, though. Certain foods are effective cures for foul breath. These foods take away the unpleasant odour and exchange it for a pleasant, natural scent in the mouth. Oranges, lemons, apples, carrots, probiotic yoghurt, walnuts, cherries, and other foods are among the ones you should eat to treat bad breath.

Food items to avoid eating

Some food items give out an unpleasant odour when they are in the mouth. Eating these foods produces a stench that lingers in the mouth and may be upsetting. The following food items will help you in your quest to avoid bad breath: cheese, garlic, onion, coffee, alcohol, canned tuna, dairy products, and more.

When Should You Get Medical Help?

You should see a doctor if your foul breath persists despite proper dental hygiene practices and efforts to keep your mouth from drying.

In the end, you could still eliminate that bad breath. If the condition is more severe and has persisted for a while, you may have gingivitis. The only person who can effectively cure gingivitis is a specialist. A typical form of gum disease called gingivitis can result in foul breath and other issues. It's time to see the dentist if your gums are painful and you have poor breath.


You can feel awkward speaking to people because of foul breath and feel less confident and self-assured. To combat bad breath, you can try natural cures like lavang, yoghurt, paan, saunf, elaichi, tulsi, and chakra phool. Additionally, it would be best if you exercise good oral hygiene. 

However, you should check with a doctor if your breath needs to be consistently bad-smelling and not improve. Therefore, people's communication styles may change due to bad breath. Instead of facing the offensive odour, they prefer to speak with you on the phone. Be at ease. Use the tips from above to get rid of bad breath and have a happy social life.