Will a Dental Implant Procedure Cause me Pain?

12.08.2022 07:00:00

Dental implants have become the main stay of teeth replacement therapy but before any individual proceeds with a Dental Implant Procedure, the first question that pops up in ones mind is : Will the Dental Implant Procedure cause me "Pain"?  Will it Hurt? 

Contrary to popular assumption, a meticulously done dental implant procedures are usually painless and the post-operative dental implant pain is more in the form of discomfort rather than actual pain. To further clarify, let us use a scale of 1 to 10, with one representing minimal discomfort and ten representing extreme unbearable pain. A dental implant procedure usually has a pain level between 2 and 3 in the first 24 to 72 hours, which means that in the unlikely event that post-operative pain does develop, it is treat able with mild to moderate dosage of over-the-counter medicines.

Despite the above information, if you are about to undergo a dental implant placement procedure, multiple questions must be boggling your mind. Continue reading our article to get your answers. Alternatively Read More about the treatment options available with Dental Implants.

Is the Procedure to place Dental Implants Painful?

Is the Procedure to place Dental Implants Painful?
One of the primary reason people believe dental implant procedure is painful is because of what they surf and see on the internet. A quick search on interned for "dental implants" or "Dental Implants Procedure" will lead you to plenty of pictures, images with illustrations, videos of people getting holes drilled into their Jaw bones, which in itself looks quite scary, Which is why people often ask "Is the Procedure to place dental implants Painful"?

The answer to this question is No, It’s not painful, as the surgery is only carried out after giving local anaesthesia. Even the local anaesthesia is injected only after a surface anaesthetic spray hasbeen givento numbyour skin(mucosa)andprotect youfrom feelingthe needle. The nerves supplying the area of the jaw where the implant is to be placed will benumbed by this local anaesthesia. 

Will there be Pain after the Procedure?

Patients that follow all the Instructions after Dental Implants Procedure so that you encounter minimal or no Pain after Dental Implants Procedure. Please follow the instructions carefully and prefer to have the instructions from your dentist over email.

To further clarify, let us use a scale of 1 to 10, with one representing minimal discomfort and ten representing extreme unbearable pain. Once the effect of Anaesthesia wears off, patient usually have a pain level between 2 and 3 in the first 24 to 72 hours, which means that in the unlikely event that post-operative pain does develop, it is treat able with mild to moderate dosage of over-the-counter medicines.   In case where the bone grafting has to be performed along with the Dental implant procedure, the pain level is slightly higher and patients are at a 4 or 5 on the scale in terms of the pain they experience for the first three days after the procedure, which will require giving them a strong pain medications. The discomfort usually lasts anywhere between one to three days and subsides after that. You need to take medication soon after surgery (within 30-45 minutes) and before the effect of anaesthesia wears off.

Is taking Medication and "Pain Killers" Important?

You won't experience any pain if you take the prescribed medication as directed. However, If you forget to take your medication on time, pain will begin and remain through thetime ittakes forthe medicationto takeeffect.  But keep in mind! Once the pain starts, it is challenging to fully eliminate it. Therefore, you should take your medication on time.

How to avoid Pain?

Follow all the instructions given by your dentist. This includes the following :


1.  Take your prescribed medicines on time.

2.  Avoid hot and hard food items for at least 3 days.

3.  Apply cold compressions ( ice packs ).

4.  Avoid touching the implantation site with your tongue or fingers. Give it time to heal.

5.  If you have a prosthesis (denture or night guard), avoid wearing it for the next few days.

6.  Take adequate rest.

What if it Pains even after 7 Days?

Pain following dental implant placement should not last beyond 7 days. So, if you experience pain beyond 7 days, visit your dentist at the earliest. The most common cause of such long-lasting pain is usually infection or food impaction at the implantation site. Depending upon the reason and the cause, your dentist may change the medication and may alter his/her treatment plan accordingly. 

Dental implant procedures are surgical in nature and hence come with the risk of developing pain. However, the pain is completely avoidable by following the given instructions and prescriptions. Even if pain does occur, it is manageable by simple pain relieving medications. Only in extremely rare cases, does it mandate retrieval of the implant. Still have a question? Then send us your question at Help@theadc.dental

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