How to Keep Sutures and Dental Implants Surgery Site Clean?

21.12.2022 13:22:19
If you had a Dental Implant surgery, you should follow these instructions as far as possible as these aftercare recommendations. Following these Instructions will help you heal quickly and stay comfortable. In case you experience any complications, you are requested to contact our front office immediately.
Dental implants are the most sought after replacements for natural tooth in the present, used for filling the gap from missing teeth, correcting smiles and other aesthetic purposes. Dental implant surgery is followed by a period of recovery required for the healing of the wound and osseointegration of implants, fusing of dental implants to the surrounding bone.  The surgical site should be kept clean during the healing period to ensure that there is no risk of infection. Keeping the site around dental implants and sutures clean is essential for the procedure to be successful. Here are a few tips that can be used to keep the dental implant surgical site clean:


Rinse with Salt Water

To make a salt water rinse, add half a teaspoon of common salt to a cup of warm water. Once the salt dissolves you can gently swish the mixture in your mouth from one side to the other for about 30 seconds and then spit it out once you are done. Salt water rinses can be performed about 3-6 times a day depending upon instructions given by the doctor. This helps to decrease the amount of bacterial accumulation inside the mouth as well as around the Surgery Site and Sutures without causing any irritation to the Incision and tissues around the Sutures.

Practise Good Oral Hygiene

Avoid brushing the surgical site for the first few days after surgery, but then begin to carefully clean  this area with a toothbrush as well, once it starts healing. Rinse your toothbrush under hot water to soften the bristles and avoid vigorous extensive rinsing. Rinse the mouth keep the area clean following every meal so that food particles do not get stuck in the treated area. This will reduce the chances of developing an infection around the surgical site. Using the antibiotic mouthwash as prescribed by your doctor also helps in reducing the chance of infection. These are a list of cleaning products that can be used to clean the treated area: 

  • Water Flosser : A dental flosser/ water flosser is an oral health appliance that provides a stream of pulsating water to  floss between your teeth and below the gumline.  They are design and attached with rubber-tip  stimulators and other attachments to effectively clean difficult to access areas as deep as 6 mm .  Most dentists recommend water flossers over dental floss due to their ease of use and effective cleaning. 
  • Sulcus Brush : It is a specialised brush for cleaning and removing food debris and plaque from the gums and below the gumline into the sulcus. It is one third in size of a regular tooth brush and can be used in a gentle & forth sweeping motion at the level where your tooth and gums meet. It makes dental implant site and denture care more easier and effective.
  • ToothbrushUse a soft bristles toothbrush to remove food debris and plaque accumulation as they will prevent  gum damage as well as disruption of the blood clot . Electric toothbrush with soft bristles can also be used as it works more effectively than manual toothbrushes due to greater number of strokes generated than the human hand. 

Avoid Touching the Area with Fingers or Tongue

The stitches are mostly non dissolvable but often remain for around 7 to 10 Days. Avoid touching the treated area and sutures with your tongue or fingers to minimise the irritation and chance of infection. Disturbing the area will cause early wound breakdown and exposure of the dental implant or bone graft, resulting in higher chances of failure.

Keep the Temporary Teeth/Removable Dentures Clean, if any

Temporary removable dentures, or partially fixed teeth are often used after dental implant insertion.  The proper fit of these temporary dentures after implant insertion is important.  It is necessary to make sure that there is no food lodgement due to the dentures to reduce the risk of infection. 

Avoid Smoking

Smoking after having dental implants placed can adversely affect your chances of a successful healing. Nicotine reduces oxygen flow to your bones and tissue which results in longer healing time and  increased chance of infection. Smoking also affect osseointegration negatively, cause gums and periodontal diseases. This results in smokers having a higher chance of implant failure than non-smokers.  Hence, it is recommended to quit or avoid smoking during your recovery period.  

Take Soft Diet

In the first 48 hrs post surgery, it is strictly recommended to have soft diet a it minimise the irritation  and food lodgement in the surgical site. Choose a diet that requires minimum chewing for the next few days so that the surgical site is not irritated. Try to keep food away from the surgical area for as long as possible. Rinse after eating to keep the area clean.

Take Rest

Avoid strenuous activities for the first 48 hours following the dental implant surgery. This is to prevent possible reopening of surgical wounds .Avoid any strenuous physical exercise which can lead to an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. 

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