Blog tagged as scaling

Deep Cleaning vs. Regular Teeth Cleaning: Which One Do You Need?
Understanding the difference between deep cleaning or a regular teeth cleaning is essential for maintaining optimal oral health. Let's dive into the topic of deep cleaning versus regular teeth cleaning to help you determine which one you might need.
12.06.2023 10:04:34 - Comment(s)
Instructions After Scaling And Deep Cleaning
The Scaling and Deep Cleaning are the procedures that removes bacterial plaque and tartar from the tooth surfaces and root surfaces below the gum-line respectively.
18.01.2023 09:56:09 - Comment(s)
Instructions after Tooth preparation (for Crown)
The Scaling and Deep Cleaning are the procedures that removes bacterial plaque and tartar from the tooth surfaces and root surfaces below the gum-line respectively.
18.01.2023 09:56:09 - Comment(s)
