Frequently Asked Questions after Tooth Extraction

By - Ritambra
10.01.2023 21:34:37

If you had been operated for Tooth Extraction or Wisdom Tooth Removal, you should read this article as answers to some Frequently asked questions after tooth extraction or wisdom tooth removal. Given that tooth extraction or wisdom tooth removal is a significant medical procedure, it is crucial to follow all the proper post-operative instructions after tooth extraction for a speedy recovery. In case you experience any complications, you are requested to contact our front office immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions after Tooth Extraction

"My Cheeks is gradually beginning to swell. What Can I do?"

Don’t worry: It’s normal that some things feel different right after surgery and there can be swelling around the tooth extraction or wisdom tooth removal site, but pay attention to the signals your body is sending you. Take special care. In the first 2-6 hours after tooth extraction or wisdom tooth removal, it’s important to follow all the Instructions after tooth extraction or wisdom tooth removal Surgery and frequently cool your cheeks with a cold pack from the fridge or from by consuming a chilled Juice or Ice Cream. Ideally, cool your cheek for 20 minutes, then take a 10-minute break. You might experience some swelling in the first three days, but it should gradually subside. In the event that it doesn't, contact us. Follow the Diet recommendations after the tooth extraction or wisdom tooth removal Surgery.

"My extraction site is still bleeding. What should I do?"

Minor bleeding is nothing to worry about, but you should try to stop it by compressing the bleeding area gently with a piece of sterile gauze with pressure for 25 to 45 minutes. Please remember that rinsing your mouth vigorously or sucking, for example when drinking through a straw, can prolong the bleeding. It normally takes 30 minutes to 2 hours for bleeding to stop. A little oozing is normal and sometimes may last for several hours, Upper Jaw teeth extractions and wisdom teeth removal can occasionally cause some bleeding from the nose which is normal and expected to stop quickly. If you are still bleeding, you can remove the gauze after 25 to 45 minutes, replacing it with fresh new gauze. Important: make sure the gauze is placed directly on the surgical site with pressure. You should hold the gauze with pressure for another 60 minutes which should most likely arrest the bleeding. If you find that this is not working, you should use a moistened tea bag replacing the gauze. The tea bags contain tannic acid, which helps in blood coagulation (Blood clot formation). If everything fails, you should call the front desk at ADC™- Centre for Restorative and Implant Dentistry.

"As soon as I lie down, I feel an uncomfortable pressure and throbbing. What should I do?"

We kindly request that you adhere to the guidelines to promote healing. Even if your sinuses may feel "stuffy" or nasal drainage may be present, refrain from blowing your nose vigorously for at least two weeks. Sneezing will increase sinus pressure, so try to avoid doing it. Maintain an open mouth if you must sneeze. For several days following surgery, little bleeding from the nose is typical. Avoid activities that elevate sinus pressure, such as scuba diving and flying in pressurised aeroplanes. Avoid "bearing down" when lifting heavy objects, blowing up balloons, playing instruments that require blowing, or doing anything else that increases nose or mouth pressure. Decongestants can help to reduce sinus pressure. You can prevent uncomfortable pressure and throbbing by using an extra pillow during the first night to rest your head in a higher position than usual position.

"I have small bruises (Haematoma) on my face. Is it normal?"

Minor bruises often can appear after the Tooth Extraction or Wisdom Tooth Removal and are nothing to worry about. Apply warm moist towel to the affected area for 20 minutes every 2-3 hours. The bruises or haematoma will heal with or without any treatment over next 7-14 days. The color of the bruises will change when the tissue starts healing.

"My lips feel dry and have small cracks. What should i do?"

During the first 2 days, use Vaseline or a cream containing lanolin to prevent dry lips. Normal lip balm usually isn’t adequate. Also, make sure you drink enough.

"How long does it take for the wound to Heal?"

The healing of the tooth extraction or wisdom tooth removal socket– this takes about a week. After about one week to 10 days, your mouth should feel "normal." So even though your mouth might feel normal, you'll still have to wait until your Dental Implant can be put.

"After tooth extraction or wisdom tooth removal, what should i Eat?"

Your nutrition is crucial for your tooth extraction or wisdom tooth removal recovery. Eat only soft foods for the first 24 hours after tooth extraction or wisdom tooth removal surgery (e.g., scrambled eggs, yoghurt, and very soft pasta). Till the tooth extraction or wisdom tooth removal site has fully healed, refrain from eating anything directly on it, and avoid anything that requires a lot of force to bite or chew. Follow the Soft diet and Food Items to eat after tooth extraction or wisdom tooth removal Recommendations.

"When can I resume my Regular schedule?"

Some people return to work, and their regular schedule on the day of tooth extraction or wisdom tooth removal itself. However, as a general guideline, we advise taking a day off. We advise to refrain from strenuous activities for a couple of days. Exercising too soon after surgery risks discomfort, bleeding, and soreness.

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The content of ADC-Centre for Restorative and Implant Dentistry's Blog/website is for information only, not advice or guarantee of any outcome. Information is gathered and shared from reputable sources; however, ADC-Centre for Restorative and Implant Dentistry is not responsible for errors or omissions in reporting or explanation.  No individuals, including those under our active care, should use the information, resources or tools contained within to self-diagnosis or self-treat any health-related condition. ADC-Centre for Restorative and Implant Dentistry gives no assurance or warranty regarding the accuracy, timeliness or applicability or the content.

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