Deep Cleaning vs. Regular Teeth Cleaning: Which One Do You Need?
Understanding the difference between deep cleaning or a regular teeth cleaning is essential for maintaining optimal oral health. Let's dive into the topic of deep cleaning versus regular teeth cleaning to help you determine which one you might need.
12.06.2023 10:04:34 - Comment(s)
Understanding Dental Implant Overdentures? 
Dental Implant Overdentures combine the stability and durability of dental implants with the convenience and affordability of dentures, providing a comfortable and reliable tooth replacement option. Let's dive into the details.
11.06.2023 10:14:00 - Comment(s)
Essential Home Care Tips for Maintaining Healthy Dental Implants
Cleaning around dental implants at home is a crucial part of oral hygiene to prevent potential complications. Here are some important steps to follow when cleaning dental implants at home.
04.06.2023 09:08:11 - Comment(s)
Root Canal Retreatment: When is it Necessary?
Root canal retreatment is a treatment procedure often performed when a previously endodontically or RCT treated tooth still exhibits signs of infection or persistent symptoms.
29.05.2023 08:01:32 - Comment(s)
Common Myths and Facts about Dry Socket
By addressing few myths and facts about dry socket, we hope to provide you clarity and dispel any misconceptions surrounding the condition called dry socket.
21.05.2023 11:55:40 - Comment(s)
We are Revolutionizing Dental Care With AI
Discover the future of dental care with AI Dental Assistants. Experience personalized support, convenient appointment scheduling, and advanced diagnostic capabilities for optimal oral health with AI technology.
15.05.2023 10:15:05 - Comment(s)
Dental Probiotics: What You Need to Know
Learn how dental probiotics can help combat bad breath, gingivitis, periodontal disease, and other common oral problems. Stay informed and take proactive steps towards a healthier smile with oral probiotics.
06.05.2023 09:09:56 - Comment(s)
All-on-4 Dental Treatment Concept - The Latest Advancements in Dental Restoration
Discover the benefits of All-on-4 dental implants. Learn about the treatment concept, how it works, and if it is the right solution for you. Schedule a consultation today.
10.02.2023 22:39:15 - Comment(s)
World toothache day: 8 ways to keep painful toothaches at bay

There’s a saying by Mae West – “Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache.” Toothache is a pain you feel in or around your tooth, preventing you from reliving your favourite cravings. Toothache pain can range from mild to severe and may be constant or acute. This World toothache day, let...

09.02.2023 22:36:24 - Comment(s)
Why Dental Checkups are Essential

We live in a highly hazardous environment where life expectancy is decreasing, and disease rates are rising. This is why medical professionals advise us to have routine dental checkups to monitor our dental health. This essay aims to educate readers on the benefits of regular dental checkups.


06.02.2023 20:51:33 - Comment(s)
