Instructions After Gingival Abutment Placement- Stage II
If you had a Dental Implant treatment Stage II - Uncovering of Dental Implants or also known as Gingival Abutment Placement, you should follow these instructions as far as possible as these aftercare recommendations.
06.02.2023 09:15:23 - Comment(s)
Protect Your Teeth with Dental Sealants 

Dental sealants are a great way to protect your teeth from decay and cavities, but it's important to know how to properly care for them in order to ensure they last as long as possible. In this blog, we'll go over the instructions you should follow after having dental sealants applied, including pro...

31.01.2023 22:24:14 - Comment(s)
Failed Dental Implant: How to Care, Replace and Prevent Failure
Learn about the steps to take after a failed dental implant, including proper care and infection prevention. Know the reasons for implant failure and options for replacement. Prevent future implant failure with our expert tips and guidelines.
30.01.2023 19:36:38 - Comment(s)
Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Unfortunately, no one enjoys dealing with someone else's foul breath. What's worse is that occasionally those with foul breath aren't even aware of it!

Even while having foul breath can be embarrassing, you're not alone. Take into account the following fact regarding Americans as a whole. It suggest...

29.01.2023 23:29:42 - Comment(s)
Things to Follow After Dental Night Guard
If you have opted for a Dental Night Guard or occlusal guard, you should take proper care of it so that it can continue to protect your teeth for long and follow these instructions as far as possible.
23.01.2023 08:23:52 - Comment(s)
If you have opted for a Dental Night Guard or occlusal guard, you should take proper care of it so that it can continue to protect your teeth for long and follow these instructions as far as possible.
23.01.2023 08:23:52 - Comment(s)
Instructions after Crown and Bridge Cementation

Dental crowns and bridge are the crucial option for achieving the ideal smile. However, there are several actions you ought to perform following the installation of a permanent crown. You should generally adhere to the oral hygiene guidelines that come with any dental operation. Crowns for teeth are...

19.01.2023 21:42:06 - Comment(s)
Instructions after Tooth Restoration
The replacement or repair of teeth is the aim of dental restoration. The process helps to improve dental health and chewing ability. After obtaining dental restorations, it's important to follow any aftercare guidelines given by the dentist.
18.01.2023 23:32:57 - Comment(s)
Instructions after Teeth Whitening
One of the traits of a beautiful face is having white teeth, which has a significant psychological effect. After having your teeth professionally whitened, there are a few things you should avoid doing.
18.01.2023 23:23:13 - Comment(s)
Instructions After Scaling And Deep Cleaning
The Scaling and Deep Cleaning are the procedures that removes bacterial plaque and tartar from the tooth surfaces and root surfaces below the gum-line respectively.
18.01.2023 09:56:09 - Comment(s)
